Jayden did a great job in her first play, at the end she said, Mom tell Miss Melody to sign me up for the next one! I think she has found a passion! She also had Kindergarten Orentation...wow, she is growing up so fast. She was thrilled to go, and came back and told me all about it with smiles...Boston has rolled over a couple of times, I think I am just glad he is not too mobile yet, I know my days are numbered....He is sooo grabby though, he gets a hold of my hair and I can't get it out of his grip. Such a boy.
Kelsi is talking so well, she is trying to do everything Jayden does including how to ingnore mom...working on that one. We are glad to have the weather getting warmer and even pulled out the sprinkler while Susan was here.
Hey I went on Jessica Johnsons blog then to stephs and found yours. Your family is so cute. I can't believe how big your kids are. It's good to see how families are doing. Sounds like you guys are busy. Hope to keep in touch you can check out my blog jtrobisonfamily.blogspot.com
That looks like you had soo much fun. I wish I lived by you so we could do those things together.
So - Jim's comments are "she is such an 80's music girl" :).
Love the photos - looks like you are having a ball!! Agree with Steph would be fun to live closer together!
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